

顶刊鉴析 | HBV RNA研究进展及热点方向年终盘点

2022-12-16 15:05:00 分类:顶刊鉴析

经过二十余载岁月的沉淀,HBV RNA的临床应用方向不断的被探索和挖掘,在此GA黄金甲·(中国区)官方网站重点介绍已有研究成果及应用价值的6个方向:DNA阴性及LLV患者疗效监测、 预测肝细胞癌/与肝细胞癌进展相关性、预测停药后复发风险、 预测经干扰素/核苷类治疗后HBeAg的血清学转换、与肝纤维化/肝硬化进展相关性以及预测HBsAg下降/清除/停药后逆转。其中,DNA阴性及LLV患者疗效监测,预测肝细胞癌/与肝细胞癌进展相关性是目前备受关注的研究方向,而预测停药后复发以及指导干扰素用药是研究较早,是有一定数据基础的方向。

01   DNA阴性及LLV患者疗效监测
  01   DNA阴性及LLV患者疗效监测

● 当前研究现状: 

由于HBV DNA低载量人群缺乏有效的疗效评估指标, 目前在HBV RNA各个方向的研究当中,DNA阴性患者使用HBV RNA进行疗效监测的研究备受关注,已经有数据显示HBV RNA在DNA阴转后有疗效提示价值,以下方向值得继续深挖:

a) HBV DNA高敏阴转后各节点随访HBV RNA阳性比率及具体水平

b) HBV DNA低载量患者HBV RNA与疗效相关性、与更换方案有效性等研究

c) HBV DNA低载量患者HBV RNA与其他不良肝病的相关性

d) HBV DNA低载量患者HBV RNA与其他血清学指标(e.g., HBsAg)的关系

● 当前主要结论: 

HBV RNA阴转时间晚于HBV DNA,在DNA阴转后可继续作为疗效提示指标监测病情。

● 代表文献速览:

Liao H, Liu Y, Li XD et al . (2018). Monitoring of serum HBV RNA, HBcrAg, HBsAg and anti-HBc levels in patients during long-term nucleotide analogue therapy. Antiviral Therapy. 2019;24(2):105-115. doi: 10.3851/IMP3280.



  02   预测肝细胞癌/与肝细胞癌进展相关性

● 当前研究现状: 

目前关于HBV RNA与肝癌相关性的结论较为统一,HBV RNA阳性的患者无论是从远期肝癌的发生还是从术后肝癌的复发来说,都有更高的风险。但是由于肝癌的前瞻性研究耗时较长、随访跟踪脱落率较高,研究开展存在一定难度。

● 当前主要结论: 

相比于HBV DNA,是更加优良的肝癌风险因子,与肝癌的关系更加紧密,能够提示远期的肝癌发生风险。是肝癌术后复发的风险因子,能够评估患者术后的预后和复发风险。

● 代表文献速览:

Liu S, Deng R, Zhou B, et al.Association of Serum Hepatitis B Virus RNA With Hepatocellular Carcinoma Risk in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients Under Nucleos(t)ide Analogues Therapy. The Journal of Infectious Diseases.2021 Dec 21.

Mak LY, Huang Q, Wong DK, et al. Residual HBV DNA and pgRNA viraemia is associated with hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic hepatitis B patients on antiviral therapy. J Gastroenterol. 2021 Mar 27.

Ding WB, Wang MC, Jian Yu J, et al. HBV‐pgRNA increases the stemness and promotes the development of HBV‐related HCC through reciprocal regulation with IGF2BP3. Hepatology. 2021 Apr 7.

Jung Hee Kim et al. Low-level viremia and the increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients receiving entecavir treatment. Hepatology. 2017 Aug 24.



  03   预测停药后复发风险

● 当前研究现状: 

临床医生认可度较高的一个方向,发表数据较多。“HBV RNA阳性不能停药” 已经被运用到临床患者诊疗中。


HBV RNA含量与停药后的复发风险密切相关,HBV RNA含量高的病人,更容易发生停药后的病毒学与临床复发。不建议HBV RNA水平大于50 copies/mL的患者停药。HBV RNA还可以与其他指标联用实现更佳的预测效果。


Xia, Chi, H., Wu, Y., Hansen, B. E., Li, Z., Liu, S., Liao, G., Zhang, X., Zhou, B., Hou, J., Sun, J., Janssen, H. L. A., & Peng, J. (2021). Serum hepatitis B virus RNA level is associated with biochemical relapse in patients with chronic hepatitis B infection who discontinue nucleos(t)ide analogue treatment. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 54(5), 709–714. //

Seto, Liu, K. S., Mak, L.-Y., Cloherty, G., Wong, D. K.-H., Gersch, J., Lam, Y.-F., Cheung, K.-S., Chow, N., Ko, K.-L., To, W.-P., Fung, J., & Yuen, M.-F. (2021). Role of serum HBV RNA and hepatitis B surface antigen levels in identifying Asian patients with chronic hepatitis B suitable for entecavir cessation. Gut, 70(4), 775–783. //

 Xie, Li, M., Ou, X., Zheng, S., Gao, Y., Xu, X., Yang, Y., Ma, A., Li, J., Huang, Y., Nan, Y., Zheng, H., & Feng, B. (2021). HBeAg-positive patients with HBsAg  < 100 IU/mL and negative HBV RNA have lower risk of virological relapse after nucleos(t)ide analogues cessation. Journal of Gastroenterology, 56(9), 856–867. //

Fan, Peng, J., Xie, Q., Tan, D., Xu, M., Niu, J., Wang, H., Ren, H., Chen, X., Wang, M., Sheng, J., Tang, H., Bai, X., Wu, Y., Zhou, B., Sun, J., & Hou, J. (2020). Combining Hepatitis B Virus RNA and Hepatitis B Core–Related Antigen: Guidance for Safely Stopping Nucleos(t)ide Analogues in Hepatitis B e Antigen–Positive Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 222(4), 611–618. //



  04 是经干扰素/核苷类治疗后HBeAg的良好预测因子

● 当前研究现状: 

已有不少研究指出HBV RNA在指导干扰素用药、预测HBeAg阴转方面有不错的表现。但是由于使用的HBV RNA检测方法灵敏度存在差异,因此预测HBeAg阴转的准确cut-off值仍有待进一步确定。

● 当前主要结论: 

HBV RNA在基线、12周及24周均能有效预测干扰素治疗的HBeAg血清学转换及病毒学复发。NA治疗患者基线HBV RNA水平与HBeAg清除率和DNA阴转率相关;12周及24周水平是预测HBeAg血清学转换的最佳因子。

● 代表文献速览:

Yu XQ, Wang WJ, DM. Comparison of Serum Hepatitis B Virus RNA Levels and Quasispecies Evolution Patterns between Entecavir and Pegylated-Interferon Mono-treatment in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 2020 Sep; 58(9): e00075-20.doi: 10.1128/JCM.00075-20.

Jia W, Zhu MQ, Qi X. Serum hepatitis B virus RNA levels as a predictor of HBeAg seroconversion during treatment with peginterferon alfa-2a. Virology Journal. 2019 May 7. doi: 10.1186/s12985-019-1152-6.

Zhang M, Li GD, Shang J. Rapidly decreased HBV RNA predicts responses of pegylated interferons in HBeAg-positive patients: a longitudinal cohort study Hepatology International. 25 February 2020

Margo J H van Campenhout, Florian van Bömmel, Maria Pfefferkorn. Serum hepatitis B virus RNA predicts response to peginterferon treatment in HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B. Journal of viral hepatitis. 2020 Jun. doi: 10.1111/jvh.13272.

Mina S Farag, Margo J H van Campenhout, Maria Pfefferkorn. Hepatitis B Virus RNA as Early Predictor for Response to Pegylated Interferon Alpha in HBeAg-Negative Chronic Hepatitis B Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2021 Jan. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa013.



  05   与肝纤维化/肝硬化进展相关性

● 当前研究现状: 

目前关于HBV RNA与肝纤维化和肝硬化数据不多,而且现有数据都是一次性截面数据,以下方向值得继续深挖:

a) HBV RNA与肝纤维化进展或逆转的随访数据

b) HBV RNA与肝硬化进展的随访数据

● 当前主要结论: 

HBV RNA水平与肝纤维化/肝硬化水平呈正相关。无论是HBeAg阴性或者HBeAg阳性病人,HBV RNA相比于传统血清学指标FIB-4和APRI可能具有更佳的诊断和预测价值。

● 代表文献速览:

Wang J, Yu YQ, Li GJ et al. Relationship between serum HBV-RNA levels and intrahepatic viral as well as histologic activity markers in entecavir-treated patients.(2017). Journal of Hepatology;S0168-8278(17)32261-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2017.08.021.



  06   预测HBsAg下降/清除/停药后逆转

● 当前研究现状: 

由于S抗原阴转难,在抗病毒治疗过程中下降和变化水平也相对稳定。因此,HBV RNA预测HBsAg下降/清除的研究并不多。HBV RNA在治疗早期预测HBsAg状态的研究有待考证。

● 当前主要结论: 

HBV RNA不仅可以在早期抗病毒治疗期间预测HBsAg的应答,还能在患者停药后预测HBsAg逆转风险。24周时,与未获得HBsAg血清学转换的患者相比,获得HBsAg血清学转换患者的HBV RNA水平下降更迅速。

● 代表文献速览:

Mak LY, Wong D, Kuchta A et al. HBV pgRNA and HBcrAg reductions at week 4 predict favourable HBsAg response upon long-term nucleos(t)ide analogue in CHB. Clinic and Molecular Hepatology.2022 Aug 19. doi: 10.3350/cmh.2022.0172.

Wang J, Chen X, Wu Y, et al. Serum HBV RNA is a Potential Predictor of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Reversion. Hepatology Communications. 2018 Sep 24;2(10):1168-1171. doi: 10.1002/hep4.1249.

Zhong Yanwei. Efficacy of a combination of HBV RNA and HBsAg in predicting HBsAg seroconversion in children with chronic hepatitis B. Abstracts (OP-0247).

Brakenhoff, Sylvia, et al. Hepatitis B Virus RNA Decline Without Concomitant Viral Antigen Decrease Is Associated with a Low Probability of Sustained Response and Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Loss. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, vol. 53, no. 2, 2021, pp. 314–20, //

Farag, Mina S., et al. Hepatitis B Virus RNA as Early Predictor for Response to Pegylated Interferon Alpha in HBeAg-Negative Chronic Hepatitis B. Clinical Infectious Diseases, vol. 72, no. 2, 2021, pp. 202–11, //



GA黄金甲生物自主研发的乙型肝炎病毒核酸测定试剂盒,以其独特的检测技术、高灵敏性和高特异性等特点率先获准上市。区别于传统的PCR技术,本试剂盒采用独特的SAT技术,即RNA实时荧光恒温扩增技术,能对RNA分子进行直接扩增和定量,不受样本中的HBV DNA干扰,无需DNA酶处理,检测下限低至50 copies/mL,搭载AutoSAT全自动平台,消除手工操作误差、节约实验室人力物力,为乙肝患者保驾护航。




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